Our first pilot program - implemented virtually - looked to the THREAD community for participants.
We modeled how we can respond, connect and heal by using the arts as a therapeutic tool.
Over the course of five 90-minute virtual workshops, we explored our individual and collective experiences of the COVID-19 crisis. We worked with a collaborative recording platform called Soundtrap, while gathering together in a Google Meet Up session. With the support of Music Therapist, Sheila Shidnia, and THREAD’s co-founder/ President and master teaching artist, Lane Gardner, participants shared moments of vulnerability, anger, disbelief and laughter. We watched collective themes emerge and transformed them into lyrics, music and rhythm and rhyme.
Participants experienced healing and connection through the process, as they created something new from their struggles.
That’s amazing.
But what’s also amazing, is that those who listen to their song will hear threads of their own experiences in it, creating even greater circles of connection, conversation and support, counteracting isolation and the feeling that no one understands.
TRAUMA is perpetuated in isolation...creative expression can be its medicine.
Results from our therapeutic study showed an average of 60% reduction in anxiety among participants.
Learn more about the results of our therapeutic study HERE.
Watch the final product from our Pilot Program here.
THREAD's co-founder and President, Lane Gardner, working with participants as they record vocal tracks remotely for their original song.