Ways to Help

The arts are a powerful tool. This work truly makes a difference. Please help us expand our reach!


Sponsor a Program

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Would you like to sponsor a THREAD Program? If there is an organization or specific community especially meaningful to you, THREAD can bring our therapeutic programming with your support.

Partner With Us

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We are always eager to learn of new organizations who might benefit from THREAD’s programming. If you are part of an organization that would like to partner with THREAD, please reach out to us.


Help Us Grow

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In addition to donating, there are so many other ways to support our growth.  Here’s a few examples:

  • Connect us to an organization/group you know who could benefit from this work

  • Introduce us to a corporate funder, philanthropist or angel donor

  • Connect us with any opportunities for exposure through news, media, public relations

  • Volunteer with THREAD

  • Share our videos, newsletters and social media posts